So as I am getting older im finding myself trying alternatives. I am tired of same things and want to try something new.

I did alot of online research. Personally I don’t care for anything that goes inside. I have heard great things about diva cup and so forth but im super sensitive and ak irrated easily.

So I started with reusable pads which I love. They are soft and silky, charcoal activated for bacteria and smell. I have had no issues and was so happy I looked into period panties.

Now they are a ton of brands but Thinx seems to be most well known and had my size. Although I did notice different styles did run small. I am also disappointed in the fact they only run to 3xl.

Now i received my order and got to try them the very next week. Within 30 minutes I stained my bed and clothes. It seems that the seams are not absorbing the issue and it comes out on sides and top. I think its a big design flaw. If they would make the front a little higher like a pad and the back is super generous where u need it then I’m so sure it would stop the issue. I did make a complaint and was told that even though it was ny light day the speed in which it comes out is the issue and i was issued brand new pairs.

The rest of days weren’t as bad whoch was weird to me because that was my lightest day. On my heaviest I changed panties in between the day and it may not look like it but they hold soooo much.

I hand washed them in the sink then put them in the wash. It was easy and I air dried.

Would I recommend them, well yes and no. If you are plus size or just need more room in fron they might fail you as well but did I have good days. Yes and it was so nice! I went bike riding with no backup just these on my heaviest day and was great.

Now the fit is a little bulky but I love how they hug it in but like I said they do run a bit small. I got cotton briefs. I tend to stick toward cotton and my period can be heavy and this offered best absorbance. Also I noticed the jade ones were more snug than plain black which was disappointing.

The price for this was 34 each pair. Now if you use it without pads yes after a year you will have made a great investment but is it worry proof . No.

Everyone always is paranoid no matter what they wear so i would say just have a backup handy. The picture i posted is not free because they are sponsoring me but from the replacements from the mishaps. I also wanted to show you how they are price wise. I’ve seen alot of people review these but I haven’t seen many my size so I figured I’d share my experience. Any tips please comment and let me hear them!