Since being in quarantine I have noticed my weight fluctuate. I decided to excercise everyday.

I know I won’t be a before and after picture or just drop 100 pounds overnight it takes hard work and dedication.

I just want endurance. I want to play with my kids without being winded. I am over 300 pounds and a mother of 7. I am Finally doing something to make myself feel better and all I get is judgement.

Why am i so big , why did I let that happen?

So and so had 9 kids and she thin.

I am nobody but me! You can’t shame me for being big then shame me when I try to workout. People will see me working out or biking with my kids and laugh at me. Well first im to lazy and never try. Then I’m stupid for trying and look gross.

I am proud of hard work im putting and im not counting inches or pounds. I focusing on how I feel. Any one whether big or small. Someone trying to gain or lose. Someone wearing a crop and bike shorts biking with their kids just want to be left alone.

I am proud to say through all negativity i see so much positive vibes and I praise everyone for doing that for me.

I sometimes wear workout clothes that is tight. A sports bra , which is so hard to find without breaking bank btw and i personally feel great until i get laughed at for just existing.

Your insecurities or scrutiny of your own body imagine is not mine. I want you to know I embrace you through you flaws and embrace what makes you diverse.